Procedures When Building A New Home
- Land should be properly zoned. The Town of Angelica is under Shawano County Zoning. For information regarding zoning contact the Shawano County Planning & Development Department at 715-526-6766.
- A soil test should be the very first step and should be done before the lot is even purchased.
- It is the property owner's responsibility to check with the DNR, Army Corps of Engineers or Shawano County Planning & Development Department if there is the possibility of their project being constructed in a wetland area or adjacent to a navigable stream.
- Most land divisions/creation of land parcels require a certified survey map or a subdivision plat to be submitted to the County Planning and Development Department for review and approval. Phone: 715-526-6766
- Then the necessary STEPS for permits are:
1. There is a Driveway & Culvert Ordinance in the Town of Angelica. Location of a driveway is to be established before obtaining a 911 address and fire number. For driveways and culverts on town roads, contact Brian (Barney) Eckberg, Town Supervisor, W1667 Hillside Drive, Pulaski WI 54162. Phone: 920-822-2042 for details. Under the town’s Driveway & Culvert Ordinance a site inspection is required. NOTE: This does not apply to driveways and culverts located on County or State highways, but is for driveways and culverts located on town roads. To obtain a driveway permit on a County road contact Grant Bystol, Shawano County Highway Department 715- 526-9182 and to obtain a driveway permit on a State road, contact Mark Ratty at the Rhinelander Dept. of Transportation office 715-365-5752.
2. Have a 911 address and fire number assigned by the Planning and Development Department at the Shawano County Court House, 311 North Main Street, Shawano WI 54166 Phone: 715-526-6766.
3. Obtain a Sanitary Permit from the Shawano County Planning & Development Department Phone: 715-526-6766. This requires a soil test prior to permit issuance. If the home will be in the Krakow Sanitary District, a permit is needed to hook up to the Sanitary District. Contact Dan Cota Phone: 920-899-3652 This requires an inspection.
4. Obtain a Land Use Permit from the Shawano County Zoning & Land Use Control Division at the Shawano County Court House. Phone: 715-526-6766. Call first to make an appointment.
5. Please note that if you are planning on digging a pond or moving large amounts of dirt to provide fill for your house construction project you could need a town conditional-use permit and a Shawano County land-use permit or conditional-use permit. DNR permits are also required if your project will be in wetlands or adjacent to a navigable waterway.
6. Obtain a Town of Angelica Building Permit from Connie Przybylski, Town Clerk, W1583 County Road C, Pulaski Phone: 920-822-3112 or 920-822-8191 You will need your 911 Physical Property Address, the number of your Driveway/Culvert Permit, the Sanitary Permit, if applicable, and your land use permit number from Shawano County Zoning before this permit will be issued. (Requires a blueprint of the home including foundation dimensions) CLICK HERE to obtain Town of Angelica Building Permit form.
7. Obtain a State of Wisconsin UDC permit, Contact the Town of Angelica building inspector, Michael Miller, Miller Inspections, LLC, W6841 County Road S, Shiocton WI 54170 ~ Phone: 920-428-3331.
Last Updated December 18 2023